On June 17, the Mid-Atlantic Sports Turf Managers Association (MASTMA) hosted its annual Summer Field Day at Dunkirk District Park in Calvert County, Md. There were approximately 140 attendees who came out to participate in sponsor interaction and demonstrations, and to learn about professional development and networking, partnering with athletic directors, and the MASTMA Best Management Practices (BMP) manual. Members of the MASTMA Board of Directors were delighted to present a $1,000 donation to the Mathias Scholarship Fund, which provides annual scholarships for students in the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) at the University of Maryland. Along with Dr. Kevin Mathias, IAA Director Glori Hyman, Turfgrass Advisor Geoff Rinehart, and six IAA Alumni were on hand to accept the check. MASTMA is now looking ahead to begin advocacy work regarding the MASTMA BMP and will be hosting a BMP Workshop in August, please stay tuned for details. To help raise funds for its advocacy efforts, MASTMA kicked off a MASTMA BMP book sale where for a 2021 promotional rate of $20.21, MASTMA BMP books can be purchased through the MASTMA homepage at MASTMA.org.