SportsField Management magazine (the official publication of the Sports Turf Managers Association) is launching a special section within the magazine devoted to sports field and turfgrass research. As such, we would like to get information regarding your latest research updates.
This section, called “The Research Playbook,” will provide brief overviews of research initiatives from throughout the country and beyond. If you have research updates to share, please e-mail the update (700 words or less) to John Kmitta, Associate Publisher / Editorial Brand director, at If you have images or graphics tied to the research update, you can include those via e-mail in JPG format (no ZIP files please).
The Research Playbook will be a recurring section in SportsField Management, so please feel free to send any and all research updates as they come available.
Thanks and best regards,
John Kmitta
Associate Publisher / Editorial Brand Director
SportsField Management magazine
Adam Thoms, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Department of Horticulture
Co-chair, STMA Editorial Committee