Arborjet | Ecologel introduced the AccuFlo Soil Injector ISD. The patent pending device is lighter, faster, and more accurate than other devices. This flexible system offers an ideal solution for applicators to precisely apply plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and more as a soil injection, but also as a soil drench or spray.
“The AccuFlo Soil Injector ISD uses Arborjet’s highly effective product application technology to deliver precise and repeatable dosing at twice the pressure, and half the weight of competitor devices. It is a versatile, portable, and intuitive system for all soil injection, drench, and foliar spray application needs,” said Russ Davis, president and CEO Arborjet Inc.
The device is used with a premium, low carbon footprint (no gas) 18-volt battery-powered backpack with variable pressure, providing up to 100 psi in the soil. Additionally, its recirculating flow agitates the solution while working, offering adjustable fittings and hoses which allow for drench and spray applications. It combines soil injection and spraying into one system with controlled dosage or open flow drenching, with a measured hard stop allowing for precise and repeatable dosing up to 300 ml.