Introducing the 2021 slate of candidates for the STMA Board of Directors

The STMA Nominating Committee finalized its slate of candidates for the 2021. Ballots will be sent electronically on Nov. 16 to voting members of the association. The voting window will be open until Dec. 8.

View each candidate’s bio and vision statement here.

The candidates up for election include:

Immediate Past President,Jimmy Simpson, CSFM, Town of Cary, NC

President,Nick McKenna, CSFM, Texas A&M Athletics, College Station, TX

President-Elect,James Bergdoll, CSFM, City of Chattanooga Public Works, Chattanooga, TN

Vice President Commercial:Jeremy Bohonko, Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply, Charlotte, NC


Sun Roesslein, CSFM, North Area Athletic Complex – Jefferson County School District, Golden, CO


Brad Thedens, CSFM, City of Sioux Falls Parks & Rec, SD

Director: Schools K-12

Jeremy Driscoll, St. Marks High School, Wilmington, DE


Joe Kovolyan, CSFM, Richland School District, Richland, WA

Director: At Large Elected

Jason Bowers, CSFM, Montgomery Parks, M-NCPPC, Wheaton, MD


Alpha Jones, CSFM, Fayetteville Woodpeckers, Fayetteville, NC


Scott Thompson, CSFM, Duke University, Durham, NC

Director: Professional Facilities

Steve Lord, CSFM, Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati, OH


Nicole Sherry, Baltimore Orioles, Baltimore, MD

Director: Commercial

Simon Gumbrill, Stadium Grow Lighting, Stockport, The Netherlands


Paula Sliefert, The Toro Company, Bloomington, MN

Not up for Election

At-Large Appointed:To be appointed by the President.

Higher Education:Clark Cox, CSFM, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Parks & Rec:Will need to be appointed due to Brad Thedens, CSFM being slated in the S/T race