STMA announced that its next Town Hall meeting via Zoom will address emotional and mental health and wellness.
The uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have affected us all. We are all facing new challenges and trying to find answers to questions such as: When can I get on my field? What will my budget look like? How will I manage with less staff? Are my kids going back to school? Are my family members going to stay healthy? The list goes on. If we are not careful, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the current state of the nation.
During this Town Hall, professionals will discuss strategies to improve emotional wellness, manage stress, and have a better work/life balance. Getting to your best self requires a plan, but it can be done and the benefits to your employer, your family, and yourself are immeasurable.
The webinar will be held Tuesday, July 14, at 3 p.m. EDT and will feature panelists Lisa Goatley, MS, LPC, The Cascade Group; Tammy Jackson, M.S., M. Div., Licensed Psychologist, Healing Grace Counseling Center; and Josh McPherson, CSFM, Mizzou Athletics; and will be moderated by David Pinsonneault, CSFM, CPRP, Lexington DPW.
Click here to register for the Town Hall.