The Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) North Carolina Branch is hosting an outreach project at the Odd Fellows Cemetery, a landmark in Winston-Salem, N.C. that has fallen into disrepair. PGMS is taking a systematic approach to brush removal and prevention to bring the cemetery back to a manageable state.
When: February 22, 2020 (rain date February 29, 2020)
Time: The event will begin at 10 a.m. and run until 2 p.m. or until the project is completed, whichever comes first. Lunch will be provided.
Where: The Cemetery is located at 2881 Shorefair Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.
What to expect: Volunteers will be doing a variety of tasks including: picking up litter, removing and loading brush and wood, using wheel barrows, shoveling, raking, sowing grass, spreading straw and removing English Ivy from the base of trees. There will be work from light to heavy to accommodate most strength and skill levels. However, the terrain is uneven with tripping hazards, brush and debris. Those wishing to participate should take this into account. Jeans or heavy work pants, long sleeved shirt, work gloves and boots (if you have them) would be appropriate attire. As February weather in North Carolina can be quite fickle, volunteers are encouraged to dress accordingly. Due to the heavy equipment that will be in use and the nature of the site we ask that those under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Volunteers are needed for this project!
If you would like to volunteer e-mail David Davis, CGM at, and put in the subject line in capital letters “I want to volunteer for the Odd Fellows project.”
Partners needed: If you are interested in joining this project as a partner or if you would like to send a donation, e-mail David Davis, CGM at, and put in the subject line in capital letters “I want to partner for the Odd Fellows project.”