With its recently expanded label, the parasitic nematode control product RightLine Nemamectin 0.7 SC has two new uses. It can now be applied as a spot treatment on golf course greens, tees and fairways, and is also newly registered for professional and collegiate sports turf applications. The expanded label, combined with flexible application rates and intervals, gives turf professionals improved versatility, budget management and environmental accountability.
“The expanded label claims for RightLine Nemamectin 0.7 SC are exciting developments for golf course superintendents and sports turf managers who face nematode issues,” said RightLine Turf and Ornamental National Sales Manager, Tim Zech. “The broadened use offers the kind of convenience and flexibility our customers want.”
Containing 0.7 lbs. per gallon of the active ingredient Abamectin, Nemamectin 0.7 SC is a Suspension Concentrate formulation with the ability to penetrate through the thatch layer and into the soil where the nematodes thrive. In addition to its control of sting, root-knot and lance nematode species, Nemamectin 0.7 SC promotes root growth and drought tolerance. It can also be used to control Bermudagrass mites and is tank mix compatible with soil-applied fungicides. Nemamectin 0.7 SC is available in a one-gallon bottle to treat more than 10 acres when applied at the high rate.