Registration open for 2020 Nebraska Turf Conference

The Nebraska Turf Conference has an impressive lineup of renowned guest speakers for the January 7-9, 2020 conference. Speakers include Pat Jones, an Editor-at-Large of Golf Course Industry magazine and Customer Experience Director for Harrells. He received a degree in Journalism from the University of Kansas and was the Director of Communications at GCSAA, launched Golfdom magazine in 1998, and became the Editorial Director of Golf Course Industry magazine in 2010. At Harrells, Pat will lead the company’s branding and customer outreach programs. He has a large social media presence and is an engaging speaker that is very attentive to the opportunities and challenges facing the turfgrass industry.

Dr. Frank Rossi is an Associate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist at Cornell University. His program focuses on turfgrass ecology and environmental stewardship while still maintaining high levels of turf quality. Dr. Rossi uses a variety of media to share his research message and is a highly sought after speaker. In 2018, he received the GCSAA’s Presidential Award for Environmental Stewardship.

Dr. Bruce Clarke is a Professor and Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Pathology at Rutgers University. He is the preeminent expert on diseases of cool-season turfgrass including anthracnose, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, and patch diseases caused by root- and crown-infecting fungi. He has received the USGA Green Section Award, the Fred Grau Turfgrass Science Award from the Crop Science Society of America, and Col. John Morely Distinguished Service Award from the GCSAA.

Other highlights for 2020 include an expanded landscape/arborist lineup, a full day of general session speakers on Wednesday, and the return of the ever-popular brewery tour on Wednesday evening. See the full brochure here. Early bird exhibitor pricing is available through December 1. Register now at We look forward to seeing you in January! Wendy Morrissey, Executive Director, NTA,