The mad scientist behind St. Paul Allianz Field’s beautiful green turf

Nice profile by Jerry Zgoda on on Ryan Moy of the new soccer-specific field in Minnesota:

Like many other 10-year-old boys, Ryan Moy earned summer spending money by mowing neighbors’ lawns.

But only he ended up here, as the head groundskeeper at Minnesota United’s new $250 million, soccer-specific Allianz Field, responsible for pampering 2½ acres of green smack in St. Paul’s concrete Midway. A self-proclaimed “huge nerd” and “mad scientist,” he says his life calling now at age 36 really is watching the grass grow.

Way back when, a love for the outdoors and the manicured beauty of Parkview golf course near his family’s Eagan home inspired him in his own backyard. “I didn’t know the difference between grass species,” Moy says. “You take Kentucky bluegrass down to putting-green height, it doesn’t do very well. My dad didn’t know that, either, but he found out.”

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