Art Goodhind was recently named Professional Manager of the Year – Facilities and Grounds by the American Public Works Association. Art is Supervisor of the Land Facilities and Natural Resources Division for the Department of Public Works in Natick, MA. The award recognizes outstanding achievement, exceptional leadership and management in the field of facilities and grounds.
Art has brought excellence in service and innovation to the land facilities maintenance program of the Town of Natick. As Division Supervisor, he has overseen the implementation of improvements and best management practices for the division. Art has established field use policies that have promoted new ideas and communication efforts for all stakeholders and the Natick DPW to improve user experience with both operational changes and capital projects. He was a co-coordinator of the Natick Healthier Lawn Initiative, working in collaboration with the Town’s Sustainability Coordinator. He has also reestablished the Town of Natick as a Tree City USA by establishing a Strategic Tree Planting program to set planting priority locations based on percent canopy cover and impermeable surfaces. Goodhind serves as NESTMA Treasurer and Trustee, he is an Executive Board Member of the Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters Association, and is the Massachusetts State Liaison for the Society of Municipal Arborists.