Until February 9, there is a discount on STMA Conference recorded education sessions. STMA recorded educational sessions at the 2018 conference to benefit conference attendees unable to make it to concurrent sessions and sports turf managers unable to make it to the conference.
Full conference attendees have free, unlimited, lifetime access to the Online Library. Look for an email with a link and instructions to access the recordings.
Conference recordings are also available to benefit those unable to attend the conference. For one week only, you can purchase the recordings at half price and have free, unlimited, lifetime access to the Online Library. Access to all presentations is $65, individual sessions will be $10 each and can be found in STMA’s online shopping cart. Discount expires on Friday, February 9 and prices increase to $129 for access to the entire library and $20 for individual sessions. Make sure to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enhance your education and stay current with industry trends and research!
The recordings are also valuable as a refresher throughout the year for sports turf managers to stay current and educated in the industry. Recorded sessions are available through an On-Line Library where users can have access to education at any time throughout the year. The Library is accessible on portable devices such as iPad, iPhone, and other tablet devices.