Details on new STMA committee structure

STMA’s committees and task groups have guided the association through many successful initiatives. We rely on members’ input and feedback to develop relevant membership services and materials. The committees and task groups will be utilized for the same purposes for 2018, but the overall structure has changed. There will be five main committees with five main chairs, and subcommittees clustered under them. The subcommittees will be grouped so that there are 12 subcommittee chairs. Those chairs may designate its members to work on a particular program. For example, the chair of the Awards and Scholarship Committee may designate those on the Committee to work on awards, scholarship or innovative awards.

This re-grouping and re-structuring will help to integrate work and have the value of insight from others who are tasked with similar programs. It will also allow Board members to effectively chair a committee and bring committee ideas to the board. In previous years with 26 committees, it was challenging to have board members on every committee.

You must be a current STMA member to serve on a Committee.

Members are asked to sign up for one of the five committees. The Committee year will run March 1 to Jan. 2019. Each subcommittee will be given charges to accomplish, as guided by the new strategic plan. The time commitment for committee service will vary, as it has in previous years, from virtually a few email conversations up to 20 hours per year.

The five Committees and their subgroups include:
1. Advocacy Committee. Subcommittees: Editorial, Environmental, Technical Standards, and International.

  1. Education Committee.Subcommittees: Conference Education and Tours, Information Outreach, and Student Challenge.
  2. Growing STMA Organizational Capacity Committee.Subcommittees: Bylaws, Ethics, Nominating, Commercial Advisory Council, Chapter Relations, Finance & Audit, Technology and Past President’s Advisory Council (not open).
  3. Membership Committee.Subcommittees: Membership, Certification, Certification Review Panel and Historical.
  4. Awards and Scholarships Committee.Subcommittees: Awards, Innovative Awards, and Scholarship.

Please click here to sign up. The deadline is Feb. 2.