Pete Smith is new chairman of ASBA

The American Sports Builders Association (ASBA), the national organization for builders and suppliers of materials for athletic facilities, has announced the election and installation of its officers and directors for the coming year. The new slate took its place at the conclusion of the ASBA’s Technical Meeting, held in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Pete Smith is the new Chairman of ASBA. Smith, who previously served as president of the Tennis Division, has been active in the Association on multiple levels, including serving on committees, speaking at meetings, reviewing technical articles and working on Association projects. He is a Certified Tennis Court Builder (CTCB). Smith works with The CourtSMITHs in Toledo, Ohio.

Other individuals elected or re-elected to positions on the board are as follows:

  • Tennis Division President: Mike Edgerton, CTCB ((Copeland Coatings, Inc., Nassau, NY),
  • Field Division President: Jim Catella, CFB, CTCB (Clark Companies, Delhi, NY)
  • Supplier Division President: Chris Rossi (California Sports Surfaces, Andover, MA)
  • Board of Directors members, Builder Division: Paul Nagle, CTB, (Nagle Athletic Surfaces, Inc., Syracuse, NY), Bob Cohen, CFB-S, CTB (Robert Cohen Co., LLC, Albuquerque, NM)

Officers continuing on the Board of Directors in their current positions will be Professional Division President Chris Sullivan, RLA (Verde Design, Folsom, CA), Track Division President Troy Rudolph, CFB, CTB, CTCB (Sunland Sports, Phoenix, AZ), Indoor Division President Joe Covington, Jr.  (Covington Flooring Co., Inc., Birmingham, AL), Secretary/Treasurer Linn Lower, CTCB (Lower Bros. Co., Inc., Birmingham, AL) and Secretary/Treasurer-Elect Ed Norton, RLA, ASLA (Holcombe Norton Partners, Birmingham, AL).

Individuals continuing on the board in their current director positions include Ben Brooks (Patriot Court Systems, Inc., Houston, Texas), Megan Buczynski, PE, LEED AP (Activitas, Inc., Dedham, MA), Randy Futty (California Sports Surfaces, Andover, MA), Mark Heinlein, CFB (Turf Reclamation Solutions, LLC, Cincinnati, OH), David Moxley (Sportsfield Specialties, Inc., Delhi, NY) and Matt Strom, CTCB (Leslie Coatings, Inc., Indianapolis, IN).

Dan Wright, CFB (Sports Turf Company, Whitesburg, GA) will remain on the board in the position of Past Chairman.

The ASBA is a non-profit association helping designers, builders, owners, operators and users understand quality athletic facility construction. For information on the ASBA, its publications, activities and upcoming meetings, contact the Association by phone at 866-501-ASBA, 410-730-9595, by fax at 410-730-8833, or electronically at or