Unusual request from TurfDiseases blog

So this is an unusual post, but I’m putting it out there anyway. Turf Diseases was started as a grassroots effort by me and four other faculty in the turf industry. One of the best things about this industry is the networking and assistance that everyone provides for each other. Well, when former Senior Manager for Conference Education of GCSAA, Karen Cooper, reached out to me about helping her daughter win an all expense paid trip to Chicago for the International Garden Centers Show in August I jumped on the opportunity (Her daughter is amazing and has a resume better than most kids her age). Let it be known…Karen asked me to personally like Courtney’s profile and I decided on my own to take it to the masses. Go big or go home.

  • Honors student in Horticulture, Landscape and Turf at the University of Arkansas
  • Golden Award Recipient (Girl Scout equivalent of an Eagle Scout)
  • Holds down three jobs including being a research assistant for the famous turfgrass scientist Dr. Mike Richardson.
  • Volunteers  in a variety of preschools and community gardens

Follow Courtney on GrowIT to help her get to Chicago for the IGC Show.


  • Download theGrowIt app in the App Store or inGoogle Play
  • Setup your own account (it’s a pretty cool app anyway)
  • Follow “Courtney Fay Cooper”
  • Stay following her through the June 1st deadline

* The students with the top 5 followers are then interviewed and 2 selected. See why if she gets an interview I feel she will have no problem winning the trip!


From John Kaminski, Assistant Professor of Turfgrass Science at Penn State University. Dr. Kaminski conducts research on turfgrass issues on golf courses and also serves as the Director of the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program.