Allett USA announced the official launch of our Professional Range of Reel Mowers in the USA; a range of products that offer the biggest advancements in Sports Fields mowing in the US in recent history, featuring roller driven walk-behind and ride-on mowers that produce stunning playing surfaces. The new range of Allett Mowers include the Buffalo and Regal models: capable of producing a first-class finish across a wide range of grass types and mowing conditions, even in the wet, combining a wide cut with low weight, the Buffalo and Regal are ideal for maintaining larger, sensitive areas such as Stadium and First Team fields. The C-Range: Featuring quickly-interchangeable, precision-built cartridge heads enabling a single power unit to cut grass and carry out other essential turf maintenance tasks. A cost-effective solution for sports clubs and turf maintenance contractors. Available with 10 different Cartridges: 6, 8 and 10 bladed cutting cylinders, 10 blade with groomer, two scarifiers options, verticutter, sorrel roller, brush and slitter. And finally the launch of the brand new RM34 rotary mower; specifically developed with and for stadium groundsmen. The twin-bladed, high-lift system cuts and vacuums quickly and efficiently to give the busiest grounds-team massive capacity to clean-up after matches or mow higher during grow-in.
All machines are engineered to be best in class; delivering a wide cut, true “flat” surface, all with a design that is comfortable to hold and easy to use.
Allett USA