STMA has developed a unique on-line training course, Introduction to Turfgrass Science. This self-paced training will provide a good refresher for anyone who manages sports fields. It is especially pertinent for new crew members or for those who have not been formally educated in turfgrass science.
The On-line Curriculum:
- Offers comprehensive training through 5 Units
• Introduction to Turfgrass Science
• Turfgrass Growth & Development, Anatomy, and Identification
• Turfgrass Soils
• Turfgrass Cultural Practices
• Turfgrass Establishment - Appeals to various learning styles including visual, auditory, and hands-on.
- Includes interactive activities, self assessment quizzes, videos, critical thinking exercises, and
high quality photos, diagrams and illustrations - Easy-to-follow and complete in short time settings – perfect if inclement weather keeps you and your crew indoors
- Is ideal for an entire crew training session – projects well on a large screen
Click here and either log in or create a new visitor record, then click the membership, merchandise and online registration link to order Introduction to Turfgrass Science. The course is now available and is only $75 for STMA members.