The Tennessee Turfgrass Association has requested that the University of Tennessee’s Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics conduct a study that examines Tennessee’s turfgrass industry and its economic impacts to the state.
Why a Survey?
It is critical that we have accurate data documenting the value of our industry to the state of Tennessee. Knowledge pertaining to the number of jobs created and revenue added to our economy will help us continue to manage turfgrass in the manner in which we are accustomed should new legislation or policy be developed targeting turfgrass management operations.
We NEED more participants
It is crucial that responses from all members of the Tennessee turfgrass industry are captured in this survey. We are currently lacking information from many different industry sectors including athletic field managers, sod producers, equipment vendors, lawn care companies, homeowners, and golf courses. We want to hear from you! The information you provide will be immensely valuable in accurately determining the value of our industry to the state economy. All individual responses will remain confidential.
How to Participate?
It only takes a few moments to complete this online survey available at
If you have questions regarding the survey, please contact Dr. Burton C. English, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Tennessee, at (864) 974-3716 or