STP 1552 includes 17 peer-reviewed papers that examine the science of the mechanism of concussion that occurs in sports, including ice hockey, football and speed skating. This new research could lead to the development of techniques and methods related to sports-related concussions.

Sports concussions subject of new compilation from ASTM International

A new compilation of technical papers, STP 1552, The Mechanism of Concussion in Sports, is available from ASTM International.
STP 1552 includes 17 peer-reviewed papers that examine the science of the mechanism of concussion that occurs in sports, including ice hockey, football and speed skating. This new research could lead to the development of techniques and methods related to sports-related concussions. Topics cover:

Understanding Concussive Forces—measuring direct head impacts by using electromechanically activated force switches; comparison of large and small impact striker on dynamic response of Hybrid III headform; effects of impactor mass on the dynamic impact response and brain tissue deformation; Head Impact Technology severity profile (HIPsp)  

Techniques to Decrease Concussive Forces—the need for sport helmet intended specifically for children; development of a helmet to minimize head injury risk in head impacts in football; the need to change the current threshold of the G-max; evaluation of ice hockey helmets; and more 

Injury Field Data and Coaching/Training Techniques—determination of the most common types of ice hockey injuries and discussion of “fair play” 
STP 1552, The Mechanism of Concussion in Sports, is available for $85 USD in print (334 pages; 6” x 9” soft cover; 978-0-8031-7538-9; Stock #: STP1552) or as an e-book (ISBN: 978-0-8031-7582-2; Stock #: STP1552-EB).
To purchase ASTM publications, search by stock number on the ASTM Web site (, or contact ASTM Customer Relations (phone: 877-909-ASTM;