The raggedy pitch at BMO Field for Saturday's Toronto FC home opener drew criticism from all quarters. "As bad as I've ever seen in the MLS," said DC United coach Ben Olsen. For Robert Heggie, it was just the latest blow in a long, brutally cold winter that has been a groundskeeper's nightmare. "I'm battling Mother Nature, that's what it is," the Toronto FC head groundskeeper lamented in an interview.

Soccer in Toronto in March: after this winter?

The raggedy pitch at BMO Field for Saturday’s Toronto FC home opener drew criticism from all quarters. “As bad as I’ve ever seen in the MLS,” said D.C. United coach Ben Olsen. For Robert Heggie, it was just the latest blow in a long, brutally cold winter that has been a groundskeeper’s nightmare. “I’m battling Mother Nature, that’s what it is,” the Toronto FC head groundskeeper lamented in an interview.

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