For fun we asked a swath of professionals working in the sports turf industry what they would like for Christmas that they could use in their jobs. Here are the anonymous responses:

Sports turf professionals: what do you want for Christmas?

For fun we asked a swath of professionals working in the sports turf industry what they would like for Christmas that they could use in their jobs. Here are the anonymous responses:

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is no Poa annua, no summer patch, and perfect weather (timely rains, bluebird sky game days, and no wind when I need to spray). Yup, that’s all I want for Christmas. 

My two main wishes are for more growth mats for ryegrass establishment (reason being cost) and two more full-time employees for our ever-expanding responsibilities around campus.

That is an easy one: a Toro Sand Pro Edger attachment. They are awesome!

Ha…sure. I would ask for no PFP’s (Pitchers Fielding Practice).

Hands down—a new boss.

I have to be generic and vague by asking for a larger budget! What kid doesn’t want money for Christmas? I can then use it for whatever expenses come my way! 

One thing I would like for Christmas is to re-crown/re-grade the stadium field.

If I could get one thing it would be $10,000 to add to my materials budget. It would help me get a few more needed things to bump my field up to the next level.

A 60-inch Renovator with a seed box from 1st Products.

For Christmas, I want my very own tractor with a 3 point hitch.

I want Jolly ol’ Saint Nick to drop more funding in the overall budget to give the staff a well deserve raise and toys to make the job more efficient and environmentally friendly.

I would like an open ended checkbook so that no matter the price, I could have the ability to buy or do anything to my athletic fields.

Man, I would like a few cute and agreeable little elves to come and live in my office and, at night while I am home sleeping, tame my out-of-control email for me!

I would like a plate compactor and a 5 gang reel mower.

I look forward to relaxing and spending time with family and friends at Christmas. And: fields that have better soil structure, density, and porosity (not as high clay content); an irrigation system properly designed to ensure 100% coverage; more pay to seasonal staff.

All I want for Christmas is for people outside the industry to understand that we as turf professionals do more than just mow grass and paint lines.

We would love to have a 10,000 sq ft. auxiliary field for speed and agility training!

I’m asking Santa Claus for a raise. I’ve had enough of furloughs and added expectations.

I would like to have Santa to remove the plastic form my football game field and replace it with natural grass.

Much needed rest/mental break from work.

I would like a glycol heating system please.

I am sure when I interned my boss said the same thing, but I wish for an intern who is eager to learn, one who can communicate properly, one who doesn’t complain about the hard work, and isn’t afraid to leave their parents or significant other for 3 ½ months. And of course we all deserve a raise, right?

As the head groundsman at The Rangers Football Club in Glasgow, Scotland, I have two wishes for Christmas given that the playing surface at Ibrox Stadium sits in one of the most inhospitable environments for the purpose of growing natural grass. I wish for  warm sunshine to envelop the west coast of Scotland especially Glasgow, directing its power into Ibrox; and, I wish that the Rangers could play in some of the beautiful stadiums and environments that exist throughout the USA for I’m sure we could fill them to capacity given the huge support we have there.-David Roxburgh