LebanonTurf announced that new Country Club MD (Maximum Dispersion) fertilizer is now registered for legal sale in all states except South Dakota, Alaska and Hawaii. MD the most widely available humic acid/biostimulant greens grade fertilizer available in the US.

Country Club MD now available in 47 states

LebanonTurf announced that new Country Club MD (Maximum Dispersion) fertilizer is now registered for legal sale in all states except South Dakota, Alaska and Hawaii. MD the most widely available humic acid / biostimulant greens grade fertilizer available in the U.S.

“We are pleased that Country Club MD is now available to superintendents virtually coast to coast,” said Chris Gray, marketing manager of professional products at LebanonTurf. “It’s uniquely formulated with premium nutrients and healthy biostimulants and offers many advantages over other NPK fertilizers.”

Country Club MD features a homogenous proprietary particle composition that contains environmental stress-buffering biostimulants and Meth-Ex, a slow-release nitrogen system that promotes healthy turf throughout the growing season.  Country Club MD’s combination of sea plant kelp and humic acid assists putting greens in maintaining optimal health performance and high-quality course playability by safeguarding the turf plant against stressful conditions before they occur.

Country Club MD disperses so rapidly into the putting green’s canopy after irrigation that it virtually eliminates the possibility of being picked up by the greens mower during the next mowing.  This efficient delivery system ensures that the full amount of applied nutrients reach their intended target rather than being picked up by greens mowers or golfers’ shoes.

Lebanon Turf