Though seeding might still be successfully done yet this fall with significant inputs and precautions, poor establishment and/or winterkill should practically be expected if seeding is still attempted this fall. Winterkill of all turfgrass plants can be through desiccation in dry windy areas, crown hydration in poorly drained areas, and/or direct low-temperature kill with dramatic temperature drops to extreme cold in the fall or winter.

Late seeding and winterkill risk

Though seeding might still be successfully done yet this fall with significant inputs and precautions, poor establishment and/or winterkill should practically be expected if seeding is still attempted this fall. Winterkill of all turfgrass plants can be through desiccation in dry windy areas, crown hydration in poorly drained areas, and/or direct low-temperature kill with dramatic temperature drops to extreme cold in the fall or winter.

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