INCONTROL used the National Sports Safety and Security Conference and Exhibition in July at Walt Disney World to release its SportEvac 2.0: Training, Operations and Planning software for venues. SportEvac is a software system to aid in the 'what-if' scenario management, daily operations and staff training for those responsible for venue and event security.

“What if” software for facility evacuation available

INCONTROL used the National Sports Safety and Security Conference and Exhibition in July at Walt Disney World to release its SportEvac 2.0: Training, Operations and Planning software for venues. SportEvac is a software system to aid in the ‘what-if’ scenario management, daily operations and staff training for those responsible for venue and event security

While using SportEvac 2.0, venue and event managers, decision and policy makers, as well as the emergency response team can achieve goals, for example: ensure the safety of venue visitors, optimise preparedness by performing ‘what-if’ scenario analysis in a virtual environment, decrease evacuation times, and create situational awareness.

INCONTROL believes that although venues and event organisations have increased security preparedness, enhanced response capabilities and developed emergency plans in recent years, there remains a difficulty in preparing and training for the wide variety of emergencies that cannot be rehearsed in real life. To help overcome these challenges, INCONTROL and NCS4 (National Center for Spectator Sport Safety & Security) have developed SportEvac 2.0.

SportEvac 2.0 can enhance the user situational knowledge to optimise their decision-making capabilities of preparedness, response and assessment. Users will be better prepared to mitigate, respond and recover from both natural and/or man-made crises and enhance daily operations.