Nominations are being sought from across the country for individuals who exemplify vision and leadership in the sports turf industry as part of a new professional award program from the Sports Turf Association, launched with the cooperation and sponsorship of the Guelph Turfgrass Institute and the GTI Solutions Group.
The Sports Turf Manager of the Year Award was introduced at the recent Ontario Turfgrass Symposium and is intended to recognize a sports turf manager for his or her professional ability and contribution, and show appreciation for their proactive and progressive efforts within the profession and the industry.
“Recognizing a “Manager of the Year” is the next evolutionary step of the Sports Turf Association to support and recognize the professionalism of its growing national membership,” said Paul Gillen, STA President.
The award may be presented annually to an STA member who has displayed outstanding performance in one of many key categories including community outreach, environmental stewardship, professional development, health and safety, sports turf management techniques, project management, promotion of the profession, stewardship of interns or students, and workplace improvements or innovations.
“The “Manager of the Year” linkage between STA and GTI is a very logical one,” suggested Rob Witherspoon, Director, GTI. “With our continuing education programs, sports turf focused research, and outreach through the GTI Solutions Group we are most pleased to forge this new partnership with STA.” John Bladon, Project Coordinator with the GTI Solutions Group echoed Witherspoon’s comments and said “the time has come for STA members to be recognized on a national stage for their professional achievements in the field.”
The nomination deadline is December 1 with announcement of the first Sports Turf Manager of the Year in early 2014. Additional information is available at
About STA
The Sports Turf Association was established in 1987 when, at a brainstorming session held at the University of Guelph, a broad segment of the turfgrass industry endorsed its need. Of particular concern at that meeting was the need to minimize and avoid injury to participants using athletic facilities where they relate to sports turf. More than twenty-five years later the STA continues to promote better, safer, sports turf through innovation, education and professional programs.
About GTI
Home to the Sports Turf Association, the Guelph Turfgrass Institute was established in 1987 to conduct research and extension and provide information on turfgrass production and management to members of the Canadian turfgrass industry. Part of the University of Guelph, the institute is supported by the university, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the turfgrass industry. The first of its kind in Canada, the institute is already recognized as a world-class centre for research, extension work and professional development for the study of turf. Building on the University of Guelph’s long-standing expertise in turfgrass science, the research activities of the institute continue to focus in areas such as the environmental aspects of pesticide use (fate and persistence), evaluation of grass species, varieties and seeding methods, sports field construction, fertility and management programs, pesticide use and the biological and cultural control of diseases and weeds.