Yuma Parks and Recreation, along with the Sports Turf Managers Association of Arizona (STMA), present the 20th Annual Sports Turf and Equipment Show 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 29 at the Yuma Civic Center, 1440 W. Desert Hills Drive.
For the low registration fee of $10, participants receive an immense amount of news and knowledge from industry leaders along with a world famous tri-tip lunch.
The Turf Show is geared toward professional turf managers but is open to anyone wanting to learn more about the latest technologies and strategies for turf or lawn care. Concurrent sessions offer seminars including subjects such as turf planting, maintenance, irrigation, equipment, occupational safety and health administration, solvent cementing and threading products and more. Outdoor, hands-on demonstrations cover the best known graffiti removal products, organic fertilization and tree trimming demonstrations. Just a few of the vendors include Calsense, Hunter Irrigation, Yuma Nursery and Supply, Simpson Norton and RDO Equipment.
Presenters are some of the best in the business and include Dr. David Kopec and Dr. Michael Pfeiffer. Kopec will provide information on the treatment and care of Seashore Paspalum. Pfeiffer will provide information on integrated weed management and turf.
Registration for the Sports Turf and Equipment Show is $10 per person. Pre-registration is encouraged. Please call ahead with a credit card to 928-373-5243. On-site registration is available at the Turf Show from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on the day of the event. The Sports Turf Golf Tournament is held in conjunction with the Sports Turf and Equipment Show on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012 at Desert Hills Golf Course. The cost is $50 per player and includes green fees, cart, food, and prizes. To register for the tournament please call Rich Walton at 373-5209.
Vendor applications are still being accepted at a special 20th Anniversary rate of just $20 including lunch, one 10-foot by 10-foot space and one table. Vendors are invited to set up displays of their turf equipment, fertilizer, safety equipment, irrigation supplies and other related products and equipment giving everyone an opportunity to see and learn about their products and in some cases, try them out. Please register in advance.
Sponsors include RDO equipment, Yuma Nursery Supply, Simpson Norton, and Hunter Industries. “We appreciate their valued commitment to the industry and their continued participation in this event,” said Joel Hubbard, Assistant Parks and Golf Course Superintendent for the City.
For more information please contact Jay Jarrett at 928-373-5225 or Joel Hubbard at 928-373-5227.