The annual purchases of sports turf products and services are more than $1.29 billion on over 2.8 million acres. That's approximately $457 per acre. These figures do not include salaries. Parks and recreation makes up $480 million in annual purchases while schools are at $685 million, college/universities $71 million, and professional facilities spend approximately $52 million.

New statistics on sports turf industry from University of Missouri survey

The Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri released some interesting statistics regarding the US Sports Turf Industry based on a survey that was conducted within the Sports Turf Managers Association.

The annual purchases of sports turf products and services are more than $1.29 billion on over 2.8 million acres. That’s approximately $457 per acre. These figures do not include salaries.

Parks and recreation makes up $480 million in annual purchases while schools are at $685 million, college/universities $71 million, and professional facilities spend approximately $52 million.

Professional sports facilities average approximately 15 acres spending $4,333 per acre, colleges/universities spend $1,075 per acre on an average of 30 acres, schools spend $658 per acre on an average of 65 acres, and parks spend an average of $284 per acre over 130 acres.

Average annual spending on equipment and supplies at colleges/universities is $32,300, while parks spend $38,850. Schools spend $42,750 and professional facilities spend $65,000.

It is estimated that there are approximately 16,000 schools, 2,200 colleges/universities,13,000 parks, and 800 professional facilities.

US Sports Turf Managers

The average sports turf manager has worked in the industry for 13 years.

Typical manager has been in his/her current position 7.5 years, while 38% had more than 10 years tenure in their position.

Twenty percent of managers have a single field to maintain.

Forty-two percent of managers maintain 5 to 10 fields.

Two in three sports turf managers have a four-year college degree or an advanced degree.

The average crew has 16 full-time and five part-time.

Seasonal staff average is approximately nine.

Root Zones

Cool-season bluegrass fields: 81% native soil, 19% sand based.

Warm-season bermudagrass fields: 82% native soil, 18% sand based.

Sports managers expressed a 3 to 1 preference for sand-based fields. Major reasons: (1) Greater resistance to compaction and (2) Better playability under wet  conditions.

Greater soil strength was cited as the most important advantage of native soil fields.

Loss of nutrients to leaching was the major problem encountered with sand-based fields.


Frequent mowing is essential for healthy, dense turf because it reduces scalping, disease incidence, the need for sweeping and it improves field appearance.

Of those surveyed, all mow more than once a week – 2 times (21%), 3 times (30%), 4 times (9%), and daily (40%).

Soil Testing

Annually (42%), 2 times annually (22%), 6 times annually (10%), 12 times annually(2%), bi-annually (22%), tri-annually (2%).

More frequent soil testing was reported by managers who have sand-based fields.

The use of tissue testing is a standard practice by 44% of survey respondents.


All managers use more than one type of nitrogen fertiliz-ers (soluble, slow-release, specialty, and natural organics).

Sulfur-coated urea (SCU) was the most widely used slow release source due to acceptable performance and lower cost per unit.


Eighty percent of sports fields have pop-up sprinklers, 11% have water cannons, 7% have quick coupler, and 2% have travel or tow impact sprinklers.

Division of Plant Sciences—Turfgrass Research Center

College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

University of Missouri

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