You can learn the behaviors of a good leader, and act like one, but until you truly feel and believe in what you are doing, your "audience" may be left unconvinced, uninspired, and wanting more. By "audience" I mean anyone within the leader's realm of influence – peers, direct reports, managers, customers, stakeholders. Like a realistic actor, the character-based leader engages his mind, heart, and soul in an authentic portrayal of the part. He's not merely acting the part. He is leading.

Real leaders don’t just act the part

You can learn the behaviors of a good leader, and act like one, but until you truly feel and believe in what you are doing, your “audience” may be left unconvinced, uninspired, and wanting more.  By “audience” I mean anyone within the leader’s realm of influence – peers, direct reports, managers, customers, stakeholders. Like a realistic actor, the character-based leader engages his mind, heart, and soul in an authentic portrayal of the part. He’s not merely acting the part. He is leading.

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