Jerad Minnick says, "Some will ask why would we want to INCREASE the number of games on our fields. Well, put simply, that is our JOB! More importantly, increased play serves the needs of our patrons and creates additional revenues for our facilities to operate."

Managing Traffic Instead of Letting Traffic Manage You-blog report

Being that it’s Tuesday, it’s HOT, and… well… just because it sounds the most fun- we are starting with topic #2)  Managing the traffic instead of letting the traffic manage us,  in highlighting and discussing ideas to be increase the number of games on fields.

1st- Some will ask.. why would we want to INCREASE the number of games on our fields.  Well.. put simply.. that is our JOB!  More importantly, increased play serves the needs of our patrons and creates additional revenues for our facilities to operate.  Grass fields will take the traffic as long as we as managers are pro-active and creative!

Read the post here