If you’ve been thinking about taking the certification exam, it’s time to stop thinking and start studying.
Why become certified? Certification is a great thing to add to your resume — it shows you have proven expertise in a field that is becoming more competitive daily. It gives proof of your knowledge and your skill, and it makes you stand out among other applicants at the bid table. ASBA has also seen that certification has been required by those bidding out jobs, and the requirement that a certified builder be on the staff of the chosen company was found to be legally defensible. Even the courts agree: certification is a proven advantage.
ASBA has made it easy for you to become certified by offering the exam in multiple places, at multiple times.
Designations include:
· Certified Tennis Court Builder (CTCB)
· Certified Track Builder (CTB)
· Certified Field Builder (CFB)
· Certified Field Builder-Natural (CFB-N), or
· Certified Field Builder-Synthetic (CFB-S)
Annually, the test is given at the ASBA’s two meetings (the Technical Meeting and the Winter Meeting), at the Sports Turf Managers Association (http://www.stma.org/) Annual Conference and Exhibition, to be held January 15-19, 2013 in Daytona Beach, Florida, and at some meetings at the Synthetic Turf Council (http://syntheticturfcouncil.org/). 2013 dates TBA.
The test can also be given by appointment at ASBA headquarters in Maryland, and at ASBA’s Winter Meeting, to be held in Puerto Rico from Feb. 22-25, 2013. Those who want to take it at this year’s Technical Meeting (in Orlando, Florida) can do so on December 1. Information on the Technical Meeting can be found elsewhere in this newsletter.
To learn about what is involved with taking the certification exam, contact the Association directly at 866-501-ASBA (2722), or by going to the web site, www.sportsbuilders.org. Once on the website, use the top toolbar and select “Certification.” The drop-down menu will allow you to pick the type of certification in which you’re interested. Go to that page and select the option for “Become A Certified Builder.” Everything you need will be right there, including the Certification Handbook (which includes not only all procedural information but sample questions), exam application and all necessary paperwork.