ASTM International has launched a new website that offers free and more frequently updated ASTM news organized into new industry sector gateways.

New site offers access to sector-specific ASTM news

ASTM International has launched a revamped online version of its flagship magazine, Standardization News (SN). The magazine’s new website, which is available free to all visitors at, offers more frequently updated ASTM news that is organized into new industry sector gateways. These gateways serve as web portals to comprehensive news and information about ASTM standards development activities, meeting and training course dates, publications and more.

The centerpiece of the new SN online homepage is instant access to 10 gateways, which allow visitors to see – at a glance – the variety of industry areas in which ASTM International’s standards provide guidance, and to quickly find news and information according to their interest area. The SN online homepage also features access to a digital edition of the current issue of the bimonthly magazine, as well as access to the Spanish and Chinese-language versions.

The 10 industry gateways cover:            

Building Construction

Transportation and Infrastructure

End Use Products and Recreation


Metals and Materials Analysis


Personal and Occupational Safety


Environment and Sustainability

Quality Assurance

As an example, a visitor to the Building Construction gateway will see not only the latest SN features, columns and news articles covering this sector, but also other ASTM listings, such as new and draft standards, upcoming technical committee meeting dates and training courses, papers and publications, and Proficiency Testing Programs, all related to building construction.

“ASTM International standards cover diverse industries and the readers of Standardization News represent a wide and varied cross-section of industry sectors,” says SN Editor-in-Chief Maryann Gorman. “This new online format is an exciting opportunity to give those readers quick access to the news and information they have the greatest interest in. The industry gateways also give readers an easy way to see what’s new in standards development across their sector, offering a user-friendly, subject-based resource.”

The main landing page of Standardization News online is at

ASTM International is one of the largest international standards development and delivery systems in the world. ASTM International meets the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles for the development of international standards: coherence, consensus, development dimension, effectiveness, impartiality, openness, relevance and transparency. ASTM standards are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems and commercial transactions.

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