The University of Tennessee Turfgrass Field Day will be held September 15th, 2011, at the East Tennessee Research and Education Center in Knoxville, TN. One of the largest and fastest growing field day events in the southeastern United States, the UT Turfgrass Field Day features current research on strategies for managing infestations of turfgrass weeds and diseases, cultivar evaluations, and programs for maximizing the quality of athletic field turf. Attendees in 2011 will also get a firsthand look at the newly constructed UT Center for Athletic Field Safety. Under the direction of Drs. Jim Brosnan and John Sorochan, the mission of this Center is to compare the performance and safety of both warm- and cool-season turfgrass to synthetic turf over time. It represents the single largest sports turf research effort ever undertaken.
More details about the 2011 UT Turfgrass Field Day will be available in June. For more information on the UT Turfgrass Program, please visit our website. You can also stay in touch with the UT Turfgrass Program on Facebook and Twitter.