The Erosion Control Technology Council has recently approved and published a General Usage and Installation Guideline for Sediment Retention Fiber Roll.

Usage and installation guidelines for Sediment Retention Fiber Roll

The Erosion Control Technology Council has recently approved and published a comprehensive General Usage and Installation Guideline for Sediment Retention Fiber Roll (SRFR).  These guidelines are the product of consensus amongst leading manufacturers of SRFRs in the industry and are designed to satisfy the needs of engineers and designers and other end-users of these products.  These guidelines provide expert information on appropriate application and spacing along with key elements for successful product performance. 

The SRFR Installation Guidelines specifically address installation on bare (unprotected) soils and in conjunction with RECPs / HECPs. These step by step instructions include drawings which are available for download at and DWG files which are available for designers to import into CADD, allowing them to modify the drawings for usage in their project specifications. All of this information may be used for educational purposes.

For more information regarding the ECTC SRFR General Usage and Installation Guidelines, contact Laurie Honnigford or go to