Project EverGreen announced that it is seeking grant proposals from state nursery, landscape and other green industry associations for its fourth GreenCare for Communities city. The grant has a value to a state association of between $40,000-$50,000.
The organization is embarking on a new concept as it enters year four of the program. Project EverGreen is sending a Request for Proposal (RFP) to state associations, asking them to apply for a grant from Project EverGreen. Based on eligibility and ability to carry out the program’s initiatives, one state association may be chosen to carry out our fourth GreenCare for Communities city.
In the past three years Project EverGreen has worked in Akron, OH (three years), Milwaukee, WI (two years) and the I-40 Corridor in North Carolina between Raleigh and Greensboro/Winston-Salem (one year), educating and informing consumers about the environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits of well-maintained green spaces.
In selecting cities for the GreenCare for Communities program in the past, the board of directors included a strategic location and a strong Project EverGreen personnel presence in the area as criteria. This year the selection process is changing, as the organization hopes to partner with a state association passionate about spreading the word about the benefits of well-maintained green spaces to consumers in a mid-sized American city.
“Through the encouragement of many in the industry, we had been asked to send a RFP to state nursery, landscape and other green industry trade associations to search for funding to select a new GreenCare for Communities city,” said Den Gardner, executive director of Project EverGreen. “This is a great opportunity for a state association to increase its visibility with consumers through this partnership with us. We are looking for groups that have a great story to tell to consumers and want assistance with funding, project management and communications.”
Norman Goldenberg, board president, noted that it is critical for the organization to continue to fulfill its mission of ‘preserving and enhancing green space in our communities for today and future generations.’ “We want to work with an association with passion, one that understands how important it is to tell consumers – their customers in many instances – the importance of well-maintained green spaces and the role professionals can play,” he said.
All the details of this plan are available on the Project EverGreen Web site at Deadline for applications is Sept. 30 and an association and the city it intends to suggest for the GreenCare for Communities program will be selected by the end of October.
For more information, contact the Project EverGreen office at 1-877-758-4835. Ask for Den Gardner or Elizabeth Neiderhiser.