Recover Rx 3-18-18 with SA is a foliar spray that improves turf health and helps turfgrasses withstand stressors such as extreme temperatures, drought, and disease. With 8 oz. of salicylic acid per gallon, an ideal P to K ratio of 1:1, and a proprietary blend of phosphorus sources, Recover Rx is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Recover Rx’s key ingredient is salicylic acid (SA), the active ingredient in aspirin. A natural plant hormone (phytohormone), SA is produced in small quantities by all plants, and is present in high concentrations in willow trees. (The name salicylic acid is derived from the botanical name of the willow family – Salix.)
The beneficial aspects of salicylic acid on plant growth have been known for centuries. Recent university and turf industry research has proven why and how it works.
In essence, when any plant – including turfgrass – is exposed to a stress such extreme heat or cold or to a disease pathogen, the plant primes its natural defense system by producing salicylic acid. This boosting of a plant’s immune system is known as ISR – or Induced Systemic Resistance.
Foliar applications of Recover Rx 3-18-18 supplement turf’s natural supply of salicylic acid, and thus enhances turf’s ability to withstand stress. For warm and cool season turfgrass, applications can be made every 14 to 30 days during the active growing season.
Applications at time of sodding and overseeding are especially beneficial, according to Randy Oberlander, a Nutrition Specialist with Growth Products. “Recover Rx with SA is ideal in these situations. Its salicylic acid stimulates growth and initiates the turf’s systemic acquired resistance (SAR), while its phosphorus content kick-starts critical root growth,” Oberlander explains. The optimal overseeding date of September 12 in the Northeast and later in the season in other areas where fairways and greens are overseeded with Rye grass can greatly benefit from Growth Products Recover RX Overseeding Program.
Recover Rx has Growth Products’ trademark low salt index, making it non-burning and safe for all plants. Easy to use and apply, it is a concentrated as a foliar spray, as a soil drench, or under seeds. Used in concert with soil and tissue tests, it can produce optimal nutrient levels and provide protection against turf stress on golf courses, sports turf, sod farms, or in residential or commercial landscapes.