GreenParksUSA, presented by EnviroLogic Resources, Inc., is an environmental stewardship website that provides tools for creating IPM plans and documenting BMPs for park facilities. Developed by GreenCloudUSA, the developers of GreenGolfUSA, the park version of these tools allows a park manager to create a site-specific IPM Plan and BMP document for each park in the system.
The IPM Plan development tool works with drop-down menus and fill-in-the blanks to allow you to create an IPM plan that accurately reflects the park or athletic field conditions and standard of care. Action thresholds, a primary basis for the IPM approach, are customizable to the way you operate. The result is an IPM Plan that makes sense for the different parks in your system. The BMP Generator allows you to select from a menu of best management practices to document how you manage the park. The tools are customizable so that you are able to add any pests, weeds, diseases, or pesticides that are not currently in the database to your IPM Plan. The data you enter are saved at the GreenParksUSA server, so when we prepare upgrades you can update your documents with only a few keystrokes. Maintain and update your IPM Plan as often as you wish.
A case history has been uploaded to the Environmental Institute for Golf website that describes the experiences of some of the golf course superintendents that have used GreenGolfUSA. We hope users of GreenParksUSA have similar experiences.
For more information you can contact Tom Calabrese at
GreenParksUSA is the right tool! It provides a way for sports turf managers within park and rec systems to document how turf is managed. We will be developing an add-on to GreenParksUSA that will give sports turf managers more tools for documenting management practices on higher quality fields, too.