Valent Professional Products announced that it has released a Section 2(ee) recommendation for the use of Tourney Fungicide on necrotic ring spot, take-all patch and Waitea patch (brown ring patch) on turfgrass, thus adding to the broad spectrum control already provided by Tourney.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC), meanwhile, has approved for immediate use a FIFRA 2(ee) Recommendation for the use of Tourney (EPA Reg. No. 59639-144) to control the aforementioned unlabeled pests in the state of New York. The decision from the NYDEC follows its recent registration of Tourney for unrestricted use on golf course and landscape turf in New York, providing turf professionals in that state with a much-needed new weapon against a broad spectrum of turf diseases.
A new-generation fungicide that provides exceptional turf quality, Tourney is already labeled for control of a broad spectrum of diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, brown patch, fairy ring, snow mold and summer patch. One of the most active fungicides on the market, Tourney has the lowest use rate per acre of any fungicide in its class, empowering turf professionals to do more with less. For New York golf course superintendents and lawn care operators (LCOs) in particular, Tourney provides a much-needed new tool for fungicide resistance management.
“Necrotic ring spot, take-all patch and Waitea patch, or brown ring patch, are all difficult diseases to control. The addition of these three diseases increases the already impressive broad spectrum control provided by Tourney,” said Dr. Jill Calabro, plant pathologist for Valent Professional Products. “This Section 2(ee) recommendation is of particular importance to superintendents and LCOs in New York who have long needed new tools for selective or broad spectrum disease control. We are delighted to be able to offer them additional help in their fight against turf diseases.”