Phoenix Environmental Care has added Cardinal™ plant growth regulator, Rook™ herbicide, and TernStyle™ herbicide to its line of plant protection products.
Phoenix Environmental Care’s newest plant growth regulator, Cardinal, contains the active ingredient ethephon. This Type II product controls turf growth in hard-to-mow places and economically suppresses seedhead formation of Poa annua and white clover in cool-season turf. Cardinal is ideal for use on golf course roughs, fairways and greens.
“Cardinal makes superintendents’ jobs easier by slowing the growth of turfgrass,” said Rick Grant, director of business development, Phoenix Environmental Care. “It also reduces mowing and clipping removal time on courses.”
Rook is a new fast-acting, low-odor formulation of quinclorac. This post-emergence herbicide controls emerging grassy and broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions and clovers. Unlike older, dry-flowable herbicides, Rook is a liquid formulation that is absorbed quickly into plants and is rainfast within one hour of application. It is approved for use on golf courses, sports fields, lawns, landscapes and sod farms.
“One application of Rook delivers residual control for up to 45 days,” said Grant. ”Rook can even be used with other Phoenix Environmental Care herbicides, like Thrasher™, Knighthawk™ and Harrier™, to extend control even further.”
Phoenix Environmental Care also introduces TernStyle post-emergence herbicide. Labeled for both turf and aquatic use, TernStyle helps to improve weed management on turf or in lakes and ponds. TernStyle, with the active ingredient 2, 4-D amine, offers several tank-mix options and delivers effective systemic control on a wide range of broadleaf weeds. It can be used on golf courses, other commercial and residential situations as well as most pond and lake environments.
“TernStyle offers a variety of tank-mix options to enhance its performance and enable superintendents to achieve residual control,” said Grant. “At Phoenix Environmental Care, our number one goal is to provide top-quality products to our customers. The addition of Cardinal, Rook and TernStyle allow us to continue to do that.”
For more detailed information on these products, please call 1-888-240-8856 or visit