Nufarm Americas, Inc. announces the addition of Nufarm Quinclorac SPC 75 DF Herbicide to its expanding portfolio. Nufarm Quinclorac SPC 75 DF Herbicide contains quinclorac, the active ingredient used in Drive® herbicide. A single application of Nufarm Quinclorac SPC controls a broad-spectrum of hard-to control grass and broadleaf weeds including crabgrass, clover, speedwell, foxtail and dollarweed. Nufarm Quinclorac SPC delivers up to 30 to 45 days of residual control. Suitable for a variety of turf species, it offers users excellent seeding and over seeding flexibility. Nufarm Quinclorac SPC can be used on residential and ornamental turfgrass. Quinclorac SPC 75 DF Herbicide joins Nufarms growing line-up of products for the professional turf and ornamentals market.