Recruiting new members to the Sports Turf Managers Association may win you cash or travel vouchers.

Recruit an STMA member, get merchandise!

Membership growth is key to STMA’s sustainability. Studies show that the most effective way to grow an organization’s membership is to involve the current membership in these efforts. So, we would like to enlist you! We promise that you will reap great rewards, even if you refer just one new member. (STMA defines a new member as someone who has not been an STMA national member since 2004. All categories of membership are eligible to recruit; new student memberships do not qualify for this program.)

·         Any member who recruits a new member receives a STMA hat.

·         If you recruit 3 members, you will receive an STMA shirt (in addition to the hat)!

·         If you recruit 5 members, you will receive the hat, shirt and will be entered into a drawing to win a Travel Voucher for $1,000.

·         And each time you recruit 5 members, your name will again be entered into the drawing, so your odds of winning increase.

·         The program runs through April 15.

·         STMA membership forms will have a spot for the new member to list your name, so you’ll get credit.
The top recruiter will be awarded a $400 Visa gift card.

All merchandise will be sent at the conclusion of the program. Remind those who you recruit to fill out the space on the online membership form at