Consider serving on the STMA Board of Directors. The STMA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the STMA 2010 Board of Directors. Directors representing the Higher Education, Parks and Recreation, and Academic membership segments, and one At-Large position are up for election. Because the At-Large Director is not membership segment-specific, STMA is seeking nominations from all voting categories of membership. All Director positions serve two year terms, except the At-Large positions, which serve 1 year.
STMA’s 13-member Board of Directors also includes a second At-Large position; however, this position is not elected, but appointed by the President. Four additional director positions will begin the second year of their terms in 2010 and are not up for election.
The Nominating Committee also slates five Officer positions. These are the President, Immediate Past President, President Elect, Vice-President Commercial and Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer position must have a minimum of two candidates slated, and the winner of that election is on an automatic ascension to President Elect, then President and finally, Immediate Past President.
To indicate your interest, please fill out this form by August 31.