A new generation fungicide product is now registered for flexible disease control in golf course turf, Bayer Environmental Science (BES) recently announced. Not only does the new product control all the major turf diseases, but it improves plant health, allowing turf plants to more effectively manage the stresses of golf course conditions.

Chipco Triton FLO Fungicide registered for golf use

A new generation fungicide product is now registered for flexible disease control in golf course turf, Bayer Environmental Science (BES) recently announced. Not only does the new product control all the major turf diseases, but it improves plant health, allowing turf plants to more effectively manage the stresses of golf course conditions.

Chipco Triton® FLO fungicide is a sterol biosynthesis inhibitor from the demethylation inhibitor (DMI) class of chemistry. It contains the active ingredient triticonazole, formulated with StressGard™ technology. Plants treated with Bayer products with StressGard formulation technology have been shown to maintain greater root mass and healthier topgrowth, even under heat stress conditions.

The new product provides broad-spectrum, systemic, residual disease control of key turf diseases, such as anthracnose, brown patch and dollar spot. When applied as a preventive treatment, Chipco Triton FLO has provided excellent results in university and golf course trials on bentgrass, Poa annua and zoysiagrass turf.

“New Chipco Triton FLO will fit very well into the existing BES portfolio of fungicide products,” said Jimmy Johnson, fungicide business manager for Bayer Environmental Science. “Use rates of Chipco Triton FLO are among the lowest of any DMI fungicide. The product’s favorable turf quality rating has been observed consistently in field trials.  It has provided better turf quality in creeping bentgrass without the turf thinning that can occur with other sterol inhibiting fungicides.”

As its mode of action, triticonazole disrupts membrane function and disease growth. The active ingredient can be quickly absorbed by roots, crown or shoots, and moves acropetally – or from the base toward the apex – in the grass plant. It is quickly absorbed by foliage and cannot be washed off once dried on the leaf surface.

Chipco Triton FLO is registered to control the following diseases:  dollar spot, anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, large patch, red leaf spot, rust, gray snow mold and waitea patch.  For control of Pythium blight, Bayer recommends that Chipco Triton FLO be combined with either Chipco® Signature™ or Banol® fungicides at labeled rates.  For control of summer declines or summer stress syndrome, Bayer recommends that Chipco Triton FLO be combined or applied in a program with Chipco Signature at labeled rates.