PROFILE Products LLC generated considerable traffic and interest during IECA's EC09 aided by the launch of its new Web-based program, Profile Soil Solutions Software - known as PS³(PS cubed).

PROFILE Products LLC launches design, selection tool

PROFILE Products LLC generated considerable traffic and interest during IECA’s EC09 aided by the launch of its new Web-based program, Profile Soil Solutions Software – known as PS³ (PS cubed). PS³, a design and product selection tool, enables design professionals, agencies and contractors to access engineering and agronomic assistance for erosion and sediment control quickly and easily. Profile representatives demonstrated the new software to hundreds at EC09 in Reno, resulting in over 100 new users registered on the Web site. During three scheduled PS³ group demonstrations, three lucky attendees also walked away with brand new iPods.

Scott Combis of Waste Management in Chicago, Ill., Doug Wimble of SprayGrass Landscapes in Riverstone, Australia and Jim DeGrado of CDI Technologies located in Denver, Colo., participated in live group demonstrations and each were iPod winners.


“Our live, group demonstrations of PS³ generated considerable booth traffic and requests for additional information,” said Michael Robeson, M.S., P.E., CPESC, technical services manager for PROFILE Products LLC. “PS³ is a free service and is the first, and only tool that integrates different products to develop agronomically sound erosion and sediment control site solutions. It’s an easy-to-use tool that helps determine the best solutions based on geography, climate and future land use, as well as supplies necessary product documents and guidelines all in one location.”

The launch of the new software was a recent feature on ESCN.TV–the online news source for Erosion & Sediment Control News. Storm Water Solutions also highlighted the growing interest in PS³ on their Web site located at

Specifically, PS³ will help designers, contractors and engineers address five critical design considerations for immediate and long-term vegetation:

1.   Soils – PS³ offers directions on proper soil collection for testing and also interprets soil test results and prescriptive application rates for various agronomic formulations.

2.   Species Selection – Soil properties, climate, moisture regimes, slope aspect, future land use and a host of other considerations are entered into the program to determine best plant species for sustainable growth.

3.   Erosion and Sediment Control Material Selection – Following soil and agronomic considerations, site conditions for slope lengths and gradients, ditch and channel flow hydraulics, banks, levees, shorelines, wetlands and more are analyzed.

4.   Installation – Provides detailed installation guidelines and CAD details for all erosion and sediment techniques including HECP, RECP and SRFRs.

5.   Inspection and Maintenance – Provides inspection and maintenance documents for each of the erosion and sediment control disciplines.

Marc S. Theisen, M.S., CPESC, CPSWQ, and vice president of erosion control solutions for Profile Products added, “Now, we and our distributors have a program that enables us to best serve the industry with complete and accurate agronomic assistance, as well as determining the right products to address the physical and chemical properties of all site characteristics. Industry resources and partners really stepped up to help us introduce this new product. We are grateful for their support and know this tool will help specify the best project solutions.”

The new software is accessible at If you would like more information, please contact Michael Robeson at