The Sports Turf Managers Association, in partnership with eight chapters from the Midwest, will be bringing national level education and a trade show to Ames, IA, June 24-25.
Topics that may be addressed include weather fundamentals for sports turf managers, fertilizers, communicating with user groups, project management and operations management, and environmental stewardship.
Attendees will be afforded an intimate look at the Iowa State University athletic facilities, as well as an in-depth view of some of Dr. Dave Minner’s sports field specific turf research plots. STMA encourages attendance by Sports Turf Managers and crew alike, and will be providing education for all levels of experience.
Registration costs for the two-day event will be comparable to chapter event prices and will include all meals. STMA is also negotiating significantly reduced hotel rates. The cost to attend the STMA Regional Conference is undetermined, but rest assured that your association and committees are working on your behalf.
According to Dr. Mike Goatley, STMA Conference Education Chairman, “You will not find a better sports turf specific educational experience outside of the STMA Conference and Exposition held every January.”