Pure-Seed Testing, Inc. announced Crystal Rose-Fricker, president, was honored with the NCCPB (National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders) Genetics and Plant Breeding Award for Industry.
Administered by the Crop Science Society of America, the award is intended to honor scientists who have made significant contributions through private sector genetic and plant breeding research.
Rose-Fricker has been involved in the development of more than 200 cultivars and is known for breeding programs that target diseases, increased seed yields, and abiotic stresses like salinity and drought. She was instrumental in the development of several trait-specific varieties, including Brighstar SLT, a salt-tolerant perennial ryegrass, and Gray Fox, a perennial ryegrass with improved gray leaf spot resistance from Scotts Professional Seed, as well as Crystal BlueLinks from Tee-2-Green. Her hard work also played a key role in the launch of Sea Spray, the industry’s first seeded seashore paspalum.
“My daughter never ceases to amaze me,” said Bill Rose, president of Tee-2-Green, the leading worldwide producer of bentgrass. “Crystal works very hard, and I’m happy to see her recognized for her accomplishments. Her high ethical standards are appreciated by both peers and competitors in the industry.”
Rose-Fricker earned her bachelor’s degree in crop production and her master’s degree in plant breeding at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore. In addition to her role as president of Pure-Seed Testing, Rose-Fricker is corporate secretary and treasurer for HybriGene, and serves on the advisory board for both Scotts Professional Seed and the Turfgrass Breeder’s Association.
“I’m thrilled to be recognized by the CSSA,” said Rose-Fricker. “They do so much for crop science education and research – it is an honor to receive this prestigious award. I would like to thank the crew at PST for all their hard work and the many universities and breeders who have collaborated with PST through the years. These people have all attributed to my contributions to the industry.”
The CSSA was founded in 1955, and its mission is to advance crop science through seed genetics, plant breeding, crop physiology, crop production and environmental quality.