SafeMark permanent field marking layout system

Ralph Newman, president of Newstripe, Inc. is pleased to announce the introduction of the SafeMark field layout system. This unique system is a simple, easy and low cost way to keep your athletic fields permanently marked, year after year.  The system is safe for players, vandal proof and virtually indestructible.  Plus it is easy to use. Using the supplied auger, drill a hole in the ground, insert the marker and you are ready to start laying out your field. The markers are then left in place so you can precisely remark your field year after year, yet you will never have to re-measure. 

The SafeMark marking system is the safest, system available and will reduce player tripping injuries.  The markers are made from a UV protected closed cell poly foam and are held in place with polyethylene anchors. Their density is very similar to grass or synthetic turf. Unlike other locators athletic shoes and cleats will not skid or catch on the SafeMark markers. Packaged in kits of 6, 12, 25 and 50 locators, they come complete with starting auger and 600 feet of high-grade cord.

Newstripe also manufactures a complete line of wet and dry line field markers, standard and custom stencils, infield drags and pavement marking machines.

For additional information, see Newstripe’s website,