OH Turfgrass Research Field Day August 13

The Ohio State University
2008 Turfgrass Research Field Day

AUGUST 13, 2008

The Ohio Turfgrass Foundation
Research & Education Facility
2551 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH  

For Golf Course Superintendents, Grounds and Athletic Field Managers, Lawn Care Operators, Sod Producers and Landscape Professionals.

The OSU Turfgrass Research Field Day is a great chance for all professional turf managers to tour the 25-acre Turfgrass Research Center on The Ohio State University campus in Columbus, and learn about the latest research on active turfgrass and ornamental studies being conducted by the OSU Turfgrass Science Team.


·    Dew
·    Fungicide Evaluation
·    Fungicide Timing
·    Dollar Spot/Fertility
·    Shaded Bentgrass
·    Insecticide Update
·    Putting Green Hydrology   


·    Low Input Sustainable Turfgrass
·    Plant Growth Regulators
·    Fertilizer/PGR’s
·    Fertilizer Costs
·    Preemergence Crabgrass Control
·    Broadleaf Weed Control
·    Urban Landscape Ecology

AFTERNOON PROGRAM (1:00 – 2:00 pm)

Ornamental Insect & Mite Management Update for 2008 (Category 6A, 1 hr.)
Dr. Dave Shetlar, OSU

Weed Control (Category 8, 1 hr.)
Dr. John Street and Dr. Dave Gardner, OSU

Turfgrass Pests Diagnostics Walk (Category 8, 1 hr.)
Pam Sherratt and Joe Rimelspach, OSU

(Program subject to change without notification.)

For more information and registration materials call OTF at (888) 683-3445